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Your New Job is a Swipe Away: Job Hunting for a New Generation

Meet the smartphone apps that are transforming the way iGen job seekers and their future employers are thinking about the job search.

Looking for jobs online is not a new phenomenon. Whether you’re looking for a freelance opportunity or a full-time career, the Internet is the first place most people will look for a job. Websites such as Indeed and Monster—and yes, even Craigslist—have transformed how people think about the modern job search. But beyond the initial search, the rest of the job application process is fairly traditional. For the most part, applicants must perfect a resume and cover letter and have their three professional references ready to go.


Your New Job is a Swipe Away

It seems as if the job search is getting yet another makeover, and this time it’s targeting the youngest job seekers: iGen, also known as Generation Z. Now, with as much ease as liking a Facebook post or “favoriting” a picture on Instagram, you can apply for a job. Apps like Jobr, Switch, Anthology and JobSnap are all offering user-friendly platforms to target young people with exceptional talent—and short attention spans.

“We’re basically creating a platform for the next generation of first-time job seekers who love technology and have stories to tell,” said Jeff Boodie, creator of JobSnap, in an interview with Marketplace.

JobSnap is the one in the bunch that specifically targets iGen. The soon-to-be-launched app will not require applicants to submit a resume, since most people in this age group don’t have much to put in one, and instead allows each young job seeker to create and upload a 30-second video to present themselves to potential employers.

“In 30 seconds, you’re able to quickly decide if this is somebody you want because you’ve already seen them, and then you can quickly take the next step,” Boodie added.

This could be an invaluable development for both iGen job seekers and employers because it takes so much of the mystery out of the paper resume. It puts the power in the hands of the applicants because they can show off their personality while waiting for a face-to-face. It also allows people from different backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses to apply for jobs they might not have otherwise had the opportunity to apply for in the past. After all, iGen is one of the most diverse generations in history.

This is crucial because iGen is proving to be much different than their Millennial predecessors when it comes to how they operate in the workplace. According to a recent CNBC article that cites new research from tech company Ricoh Europe, businesses might find this generation to be more demanding than previous generations.

The research found that the preferred form of communication among workers across generations was face-to-face, but this is in generational decline. It was the preferred method for 77 percent of Boomers, compared to 58 percent of iGen. This isn’t a huge surprise, since iGen are known for their reliance on their smartphones. After all, there’s a good chance that was the thing that got them their jobs in the first place!

The report also found that iGen has high expectations of their future employers: 73 percent believe their employer will cater to their needs, whereas only 48 percent of the other generations thought they would. After salary, iGen’s main attractions to working at a company are a good work-life balance and a working with a great team. In comparison, Baby Boomers were more attracted to job security.

If apps like JobSnap take off, they could mitigate some of the frustration and growing pains that companies who hire iGen are currently feeling.

Feeling frustrated with trying to hire and work with iGen employees? Tweet us at @WhatTheGen and @JasonDorsey to join the conversation. And don’t forget to add your #generation!

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