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How to Engage with Gen Z on Social Media

For brands looking to engage with Gen Z, Instagram and Snapchat are key

It’s easy to loop all social media into the same category, but our State of Gen Z® 2018 Report shows that the youngest generation’s preferences for interacting across platforms varies dramatically.

It might seem as if Facebook is losing with Gen Z, but the study shows that they still use it, mostly for creating and checking group events. However, for posting content and selfies, Snapchat wins. While it might seem like Instagram’s “story” feature offers the same opportunity (in which a user can post a picture that will disappear within 24 hours), Gen Z still prefers Snapchat.

Marketers take note

Instagram does serve a very real – and crucial – purpose for Gen Z. According to the report, Instagram is the preferred platform for Gen Z to interact with brands. This preference varies by generation, as Millennials prefer to interact with brands on Facebook to Instagram, so marketers must be intentional with their outreach across platforms.

It’s not only marketers that are flocking to Instagram. Even financial firms have been appearing on the platform to interact with a younger customer base.

Reading and writing reviews is a must for Gen Z

According to our latest research, 86% of Gen Z respondents indicated that they read reviews before making a first-time purchase using their own money, and about two-thirds need to read at least 3 reviews. One in 5 need even more support to make a purchase, needing to read at least 7 reviews before making a first-time buy.

For brands looking to get into the social media action but might not know where to start, look to influencers. Nearly half (46%) of Gen Z respondents reported following more than 10 influencers on social media.

However, simply existing on Instagram or Snapchat is not enough for brands to reach their target audience. Gen Z and Millennials are savvy social media users, and they look for brands who create quality content that they can interact with. Brands must be thoughtful and intentional with their social media if they want to reach and maintain a strong follower-base.

Want to Solve Your Gen Z Challenges?

We lead national and international Gen Z, Millennial, and generational studies for our clients every day. We also keynote events around the world, helping businesses better understand their customers and workforce.

Let us know how we can help you. Send us an email or give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide a little information for you to review.

Keep the conversation going. Follow The Center on Instagram @TheGenHQ or on Twitter @GenHQ. We are passionate about sharing our latest generational discoveries!

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