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5 Ways to Make Your Company Gen Z Friendly

Is your organization an employer for young, talented workers entering the labor force?

By 2020, Gen Z, the generation after Millennials, will comprise 20% of the American workforce. And in the next few years, nearly 61 million Gen Zers will be searching for jobs.

Here are five tips we pulled together from Human Resource Executive to help ensure Gen Z applies to and thrives in your company.

1. Provide flexible and unique career advancement opportunities

In a Robert Half survey, 64% of Gen Z respondents cited the importance of career opportunities in selecting a job. Providing advancement opportunities is necessary to attract and retain this generation. One solution is to use rotation programs.  Employees can “try out” different departments within your company to leverage their experience and experience new opportunities for growth.

2. Deliver continuous learning without detailed instructions

Gen Z expects to start at the bottom. What they want is a chance to learn and grow even if that means embracing a lateral move. Gen Z grew up with a smartphone in hand and are habitually looking things up at the drop of a hat. Detailed instructions are excessive. You’re better off pointing them in the right direction with general guidance.

3. Change up your training to look like YouTube

Companies must consider re-thinking the traditional training lectures if they want to keep top Gen Z talent. Short videos like the ones on YouTube can be an effective training tool.

Trainers should also consider games for learning, especially on mobile devices and in small group activities. Expanded on-the-job training takes on added importance for this generation.

4. Re-think the open office and focus on private spaces

The open office environment created to attract Millennials may not appeal quite as much to Gen Z. The newest generation in the workplace is proving to be a little more focused on individuality, and their work environment should reflect this. Gen Z appreciates a collaborative environment, so a hybrid office plan with both private and shared workspaces is key.

5. Revitalize you recruiting strategy to include social media

Organizations can’t expect to recruit by the old means. Posting jobs online has been essential for years, but companies now need a strong, consistent branding across all online channels—including social media.

It’s not enough to simply post the job description on a listing site. Gen Z wants to find out about your organization on social media, and they want the ability to upload their resume directly from their mobile device.

Solve Your Gen Z Challenges with Custom Research and Keynote Speaking 

We lead national and international Gen Z studies for our clients every day. We also keynote events around the world to help businesses better understand their Gen Z customers and workforce.

Let us know how we can help you. Send us an email or give us a call and we’ll be happy to provide a little information for you to review.

Keep the conversation going, follow Jason and The Center on Instagram @Jason_Dorsey and @TheGenHQ. We are passionate about sharing our latest generational discoveries!

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