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The Center’s Gen Z Research Featured on!

How old should you be when you get your first smartphone? What does the youngest generation expect from technology? investigates.

Gen Z is quickly becoming the new buzzy generation to know, market and sell to, and employ. Even though Millennials were the ones to truly shake things up on all fronts, Gen Z is shifting gears, causing a stir up yet again.


According to The Center’s original research study, members of Gen Z are four times more likely to say you should have your first smartphone by age 13 than the average of the other generations.

As reports(Open Link in new window), there is no standard screen, social media site, or interface for Gen Z. Rather, Gen Z adapts quickly, uses multiple sites, and wants their information, games, and programs to be available on all platforms, instantaneously. As a business, you need to be flexible and quickly adaptable to win this idiosyncratic generation.

Read the entire fascinating article here(Open Link in new window)!

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