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Client Research Feature: Alkami Technology!

Team CGK was thrilled to work with Alkami to help develop and lead their second custom research study on digital banking

CGK was thrilled to partner for the second time with the innovative leadership team at Alkami Technology on their national study of digital banking across generations. Have you heard of Alkami Technology (ALKT)? They are a pioneer in providing digital banking solutions for banks and credit unions across the United States.

The research study Alkami led was to uncover and explore the behavioral trends transforming digital banking and banking in general. The study deeply explored what today’s consumers want from their digital banking experience, areas of opportunities for banks and credit unions to serve unmet customer needs, and rapidly changing expectations for digital banking across generations and more.

The study featured 1,500 participants from across the U.S. who currently use digital banking. These are the exact users that bank and credit union leaders need to understand to best adapt to meet their needs and provide the features, benefits, and solutions that both delight and deliver.

Some of the exciting areas explored in Alkami’s national study include:

  • How today’s rising interest rate environment has impacted different generations
  • The top reasons different generations consider banking with a bank or credit union
  • The role of data to inform and influence a personalized digital experience
  • Why Millennials are critically important to banking yet very misunderstood—and what banking leaders need to know now

This national study was the second collaboration between Alkami’s leadership team and the research team at CGK. The first one was such a success that they wanted to do a follow-up study to build on the excitement and momentum of the first national study. Jason Dorsey, President of CGK, presented findings from the first study at Alkami’s fantastic national conference, CO:Lab, in 2022 and he will be presenting again at CO:Lab 2025!

The team at CGK greatly appreciates the trust that Alkami places in our continued collaboration and is thrilled to highlight the findings from this innovative study. Access the study’s white paper and read about several of the exciting discoveries by visiting the study’s website here.

Would your organization like to lead a national or international thought leader research study and make it a capstone content piece of your annual customer conference? Reach out! We’d enjoy hearing about your vision and how we can make it happen with great findings and unexpected discoveries that advance valuable conversations.

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