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CGK President Jason Dorsey Featured in Yahoo Finance Article on Gen Z’s Impact on the Luxury Market

We’re excited to share that CGK’s President, Jason Dorsey, was recently featured in a Yahoo Finance article discussing the rapidly growing influence of Gen Z on the luxury market. This is a significant topic in today’s shifting consumer landscape, and there are many nuances that brand and consumer leaders need to be aware of to make sure they have the best strategy in place to connect with this influential generation.

According to a new report from Bain & Company, Gen Z is expected to account for nearly a third of all luxury purchases by 2030. This new generation, still in the earlier years of adulthood, is already making substantial waves across industries such as retail, travel, hospitality, investing, and technology. While Gen Z’s current spending power may not yet rival that of older generations, their spending is increasing at a remarkable pace. In the article, Jason highlights that the brands that connect with Gen Z now have a unique opportunity to grow alongside this influential group at a critical time in their emergence.

Gen Z focus on authenticity, quality, and inclusivity sets them apart and provides important clues on how to best connect with them. Although Gen Z may not yet exhibit the same brand loyalty as previous generations, when they find a brand that resonates with their values, they commit deeply and even consider making it part of their lifestyle. This creates both a challenge and an exciting opportunity for luxury brands—to remain true to their heritage while also evolving to meet the expectations of this dynamic consumer generation.

With luxury spending in the U.S. projected to grow from an estimated $1.67 trillion today to $2.79 trillion by 2030, understanding and engaging with Gen Z now is more crucial than ever. As Jason noted in the article, the brands that can strike this balance will be well-positioned for success in the coming years.

At The Center for Generational Kinetics, we are committed to uncovering these kinds of generational insights to help leaders and brands navigate the evolving market to drive both growth and stability. We’re thrilled to see Jason featured in this important discussion and look forward to continuing our mission of transforming generational research into breakthrough strategies.

The future of luxury with Gen Z is bright and full of possibilities! Please click here to read the full article.

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