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Millennial business owners and founders are creating big business results

Millennials entrepreneurs are founding big businesses and creating impact in industries around the world. A recent CNN article showcases female and male Millennial entrepreneurs who founded companies ranging from Photography, Office Services, and Recruiting to Shipping, Accounting, Online Dating, and Fitness.

Jason Dorsey, President, Co-Founder, and Millennials researcher and expert at The Center for Generational Kinetics was quoted extensively in the CNN article.

“Millennials have a different native relationship with technology by virtue of growing up with the internet and the mobile revolution,” Dorsey said. “[They] are at the right life stage to be able to see what’s not working and be courageous enough to challenge it.”

The article also featured national research on Millennials and entrepreneurship from a landmark study led by The Center in partnership with America’s SBDCs. The study findings were featured on more than 25 TV shows! You can download the research study’s white paper and additional findings here. 

The Center for Generational Kinetics is proud to lead research and separate myth from the truth with real data when it comes to Millennials, Gender Z, and every generation.

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